Breaking Down The Latest Gov Checklist On Avoiding Cyber Attacks

During times of crisis, cyber security threats prove to be one of the biggest concerns that companies have to face. The government of the United States, anticipating heightened threats to cyber security, has issued a checklist.

Here are some preventive measures prescribed by the administration that will ensure your enterprise runs in a smooth and secure manner. These preventive measures will certainly prove useful to companies and make them more efficient and authentic in their function.

Multi-factor verification

Multiple steps authentication should be mandatory before anyone is allowed to log into the company’s system. This will keep attackers at bay and make it more difficult for them to hack into the system.

Security Tool

Investing and implementing advanced security tools in the company’s system will make it easy for the owner to take notice of any new threat within the system.

Data Back-up

In case of cyber attacks, important data stored in your system becomes vulnerable and might even get lost. That is why it is advisable for companies to preserve a backup of every important piece of data in a doubly secured, different computer. This makes retrieval of important data possible, even if the company system gets compromised due to cyber attacks.

Consult Cybersecurity Professionals

Every company should hire their own cybersecurity professional and have them screen their systems periodically to catch any potential threat lurking in the corner.

Practice Emergency Drills

Exercises and drills should be practiced regularly so that your company is ready to act on short notice in case of a real attack. This will cut down the time your data is exposed to the attackers.

Data Encryption

Despite every precaution, it may not be possible to resist a cyber-attack effectively. In that case, it is advisable to encrypt all your data so that it cannot be accessed even if it gets stolen. This will buy you extra time to shut down your system in case of an attack.

Workshops on Cyberattacks

Hold workshops and seminars that will break down and explain signs of cyber security threats to your employees. Educate them on all the tactics that cyber attackers might use to breach the system through their phones and emails. Make sure all unusual activities are reported immediately.

Build secured products

All your intellectual properties should come with a built-in security system so that they are able to safeguard themselves from any external threat.


Make projects and software exclusively accessible to only those employees who are working on them.

Authenticate Software Codes

Make sure software developers use codes whose origins are known to them. This prevents any kind of vulnerability within the system and allows the developers to rapidly correct it in case of any threat.


These are some of the preventive measures that companies can employ to secure their systems against any potential threats. It will also ensure the longevity of their software and the effectiveness of the data they produce.