Irreplaceable Things on Your Computer Right Now

Backups are essential since your computer’s hard disk may fail tomorrow or a software flaw could destroy your information. However, you are not required to back up all of the files on your computer. This would only waste space and make backups take longer to complete.

The most fundamental backup rule is that any significant data should reside in two or more physical places at the same time. You can’t make a backup and then remove the original. If you do, it is no longer a backup. You still have only one duplicate of your data; you’ve merely relocated it.

Now, you know that you need a backup but you may be confused with what files need a backup on your computer. Hence, we are here with a list of items that should always have a backup.

Backup for Files and Folders

Let’s look at the most important thing on your computer first- files and folders. Whether they contain pictures, videos, or office documents, some folders are just too important to not have a backup.


The Documents folder is where you may keep personal data and folders. It’s an essential option for backup because it’s likely to include your Word documents, receipt PDFs, and other associated data.

However, many software developers disregard the folder’s primary purpose and instead utilize it to store mobile data. Overwatch, for example, maintains log data, settings, and recorded video clips here.

As a result, you may wish to go through your Documents folder and exclude app-related files if you don’t need them. Generally, however, everything within Documents should be backed up.


By default, downloaded files are saved in the Downloads folder. Most online browsers, as well as many media download utilities, save downloads to this folder by default.

While you may want to first wipe away large downloads that you no longer require, backing up this folder is a good idea. You never know when you’ll need a program installation or a PDF you saved months ago.


Many individuals, at least temporarily, keep files on their desktops. It’s easy to overlook the importance of backing up this folder, but you should. By doing this, you won’t lose anything that you inadvertently left on the desktop.

Music, Videos, and Pictures

These three places are provided by Windows for storing personal media files. You should absolutely back up whatever you have here because it is most likely critical.

These folders are used by several media programs to store local files (such as iTunes keeping library files in the iTunes subfolder). While backing up these items isn’t required, it may be useful if you don’t want to re-download anything.

Projects and Important Files

If you perform creative work (for example, programming, photography, video editing, or writing), you should always back up your data, especially any ongoing work.

Make a point of backing up all of them. To keep track of them, store them in common areas (such as Documents or Pictures) rather than establishing folders in odd places that you’re most likely to overlook.

Besides work and projects, there are other files and documents that are equally important and need backup. Tax records and paperwork, rental and lease information, company invoices, bank and credit card statements are examples.


You now understand which folders in Windows should be backed up. The most significant items are those that are irreplaceable, such as personal papers, images, and game save data. You do not need to back up system files that Windows will replace during a fresh installation.