How The COVID-19 Pandemic Forced Adoption of Co-Managed IT

Adversity is the true test of character indeed, and Covid-19 has proved to be a tough test. The COVID-19 crisis has brought about almost a decade’s worth of changes, from the rapid inclusion of cloud technology to the mass adoption of remote working.

In fact, a study by McKinsey supports this deduction, stating that “responses to COVID-19 have speeded the adoption of digital technologies by several years—and that many of these changes could be here for the long haul.”

An important change that the pandemic brought about is the adoption of Co-Managed IT. All these changes are expected to last even after the crisis abates. Thus, it is vital to understand these changes and learn how to adapt.

What is Co-Managed IT

Co-Managed IT services allow organizations to access the external technical expertise and scalability they need. It provides the convenient framework of an IT manager while also offering the knowledge and support of a managed service provider.

A recent Canalys survey showed that almost 60 percent of the respondents agreed that the co-managed service adoption increased during the time of Covid-19. Forty-one percent of the participants admitted to seeing IT co-management frequently.

How Covid-19 Changed the IT Industry

With the remote working requirements that came with Covid-19, organizations realized that they lacked the tools required to enable a smooth transition. This led to a worldwide scramble to assemble the tools and expertise needed.

Complex Technology Requirements

IT departments need solutions that are automated. Managed Service Providers provide these automated solutions to organizations. Every organization, irrespective of its size, needs this technology to serve its customers better.

More Staffing

With large workloads and stretched IT departments, Covid-19 has put a toll on the workforce of most organizations. IT management is a time-critical industry with routine checks, repairs, and monitoring. Co-managed IT spaces allow organizations to tackle challenges and use new technologies.

Budget Cuts

Covid-19 led to budget cuts across IT departments.

To reduce expenses, co-managed IT services are the best solution. This eliminates the need for an in-house IT team and full-time employees. With primary support, an automated tool base, and easier handling of tasks, Managed Service Providers can help companies mitigate the cost cuts that came with Covid-19.

Why Co-Managed IT is a Good Fit

With Covid-19 spreading over the world, organizations have understood that Co-Managed IT is a great option. It offers the following advantages.

Keep up With the Latest Technology

Keeping up with the latest trends in technology is vital for the success of an IT firm. Co-managed services allow you to explore the latest in tech like security, software, and data processing. It also avoids the time and resources that have to be spent to train your staff.

Constant Support

You have the chance to offer complete support to your clients around the clock with co-management services. With the spread of Covid, co-management helps cover things like sick leave or vacation time, making sure that your clients are supported.

Less Responsibility

People and organizations have a lot on their plate. Lowering the responsibility they have to take on helps keep operations running smoothly. It’s easier than hiring new staff and training them.


Covid-19 helped organizations understand the importance of collaboration. It also promoted keeping in touch with the latest technology, despite cost cuts. Co-management is a great way to overcome both these problems and more. In addition, co-management also lets companies make the best out of their existing resources.

This trend is here to stay and could usher in a new era in the technology sector.