How to add an SSL Certificate to a Unifi Controller when hosted on a Windows instance:
- Download a program called Keystore Explorer from here >
- Open the existing keystore (C:\<PATH TO YOUR INSTALLATION LOCATION>\Ubiquiti UniFi\data\keystore) with password “aircontrolenterprise”
- Tools > Import Key Pair
- Select the key type use PKCS #12
- Choose the PFX file and enter the password.
- Use “aircontrolenterprise” for the key pair password when requested.
- Choose File, Save As and name the file unifi. Since Version 8.1.113 if the file isn’t name unifi the site won’t load via SSL
- Set the keystore password to “aircontrolenterprise”
- Save file as “keystore”
- Set keystore file as read-only
- Restart the service (if you are running the controller as a service) or application
If for some reason the existing keystone is giving you issues you can create a new one by adding the following line to your file and restarting the service: “app.keystore.pass=aircontrolenterprise” (without “”)
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This helped me, it’s easy to configure with this tool.
5. Choose the PFX file you exported and enter the password. !
pfx file you exported !? do you mean the certificate i get from ?
Thanks for this article. After many years of occassionally attempting and getting frustrated and giving up. Many attempts fighting with lets encrypt and all the tutorials out there I finally got it to work with just a few clicks.