
Adoption of a Unifi Access Point via SSH
4.5 (13)

Step 1 SSH in to the Unifi Access Point using the default ubnt / ubnt password Hint: if the AP isn’t brand new and you’re trying to fix it via SSH you will need to find the username and the password from the old controller. As of writing this is located at System Settings > […]

Install a Wildcard SSL Certificate on a Unifi Controller in Windows
4.4 (8)

How to add an SSL Certificate to a Unifi Controller when hosted on a Windows instance: Download a program called Keystore Explorer from here > https://keystore-explorer.org/ Open the existing keystore (C:\<PATH TO YOUR INSTALLATION LOCATION>\Ubiquiti UniFi\data\keystore) with password “aircontrolenterprise” Tools > Import Key Pair Select the key type use PKCS #12 Choose the PFX file […]

How to Reboot Unifi Access Point from Unifi Controller
3.6 (17)

Log in to the Unifi Controller Click on the Devices Tab Click on the Access Point you wish to restart On the right-hand side fly in click on the tools icon Scroll down and click on Open Terminal On the terminal that opens type in reboot and hit enter