How to Set Up Office 365 on iPhone Default IOS 12 Mail App
4.3 (6)

With the release of IOS 12, the instructions for adding an Office 365 account to the default iPhone App have changed slightly from IOS 11.  Here are the revised instructions. Step 1 – Click on Settings from your iPhone Home Screen   Step 2 – Click on Passwords & Accounts     Step 3 – […]

How to Set up G Suite Mail using Activesync on an iPhone
4.5 (2)

The following instructions are for setting up G Suite Mail on IOS11.  Previous IOS version will have a slightly different menu options to access the email account configuration in settings however the server address etc.. are still the same. Tap Settings Tap Accounts & Passwords Tap Add Account Tap Exchange Enter your email addres and […]

How to Set Up Office 365 on IOS 11 Default Mail App
5 (2)

*** These Instructions are for iPhone users running IOS 11.  For IOS 12 please follow these instructions. *** Step 1 – Click on Settings from your iPhone Home Screen Step 2 – Click on Accounts & Passwords   Step 3 – Click on Add Account Step 4 – Click on Exchange Step 5 – Enter […]

Email Won’t Delete on iPhone using Office 365 / Hosted Exchange
4.3 (10)

From time to time sometimes there are emails that won’t delete from your iPhone when you are using Office 365 or Hosted Exchange.  This doesn’t appear to be particularly related to this environment only and there doesn’t appear to be any permanent fix for it as at the date of writing this article.  Here’s how […]

Documents and Data High Usage on iPhone (IOS 9.2)
5 (4)

You may find that your Documents & Data Usage in iTunes is showing as very high for your iPhone.  Checking the Usage on your iPhone directly may not add up to the total usage – this may be caused by data corruption or a software bug on your iPhone. To check if this is the […]

Screen Frozen on iPhone 4, iPhone 5 & iPhone 6
3 (2)

If your iPhone’s screen appears to be frozen or is unresponsive, try turning off the phone and turning it back on again.  If that doesn’t work you will need to do a “soft” reset of your iPhone.  The below instructions can also assist with issues with the iPhone not powering on or powering off. Here […]

How Accurate is Find My iPhone?
2.6 (59)

Find My iPhone Accuracy – If you’ve lost your iPhone and you are trying to locate it using either the Find My iPhone application on another iPhone or logging in to the web via iCloud you may have noticed that sometimes the accuracy of your iPhone’s location can change.  You may also notice that sometimes […]

Synology DSCAM Recording Playback Error on iPhone
4.7 (6)

Symptom When connected via HTTPS and attempting to playback video recording using the Synology DSCAM IOS Application on an iPhone the following error is displayed: “An unknown error has occured.  This may be caused by an untrusted certificate.  Please install a trusted certificate on your Synology NAS and play again” Cause Apple’s IOS doesn’t trust […]

How to Track your company Iphones using Find My iPhone
4.6 (5)

Lets say you have a small business and you have a fleet of iPhones. You want to be able to track your iPhones in case they are: Lost Stolen Locating your Service team Health & Safety There are a few Mobile Device Management platforms out there these days which can achieve this such as Maas360, […]