Using Mac OSX you are able to merge two pdf files natively in OSX using the built in preview application. This has been tested on Yosemite 10.10 and El Capitan 10.11. Step 1 – Open Both PDF Files Either double click or right click and select preview (if you have other PDF programs installed on […]
Apple Mac
How to Merge Two PDF Files Mac OSX
How to Open App Can’t Be Opened Because It’s From An Unidentified Developer on OSX1.7 (6)
If you are opening up a program for OSX you may receive the following error message: “App Can’t Be Opened Because It’s From An Unidentified Developer” Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the Mac App Store and identified developers. The reason you are receiving this message is the applications developer hasn’t been identified […]
Stopped – ntdcmsmac open fail:dlopen(/usr/lib/fxthm3acl.dylib El Capitan Printing4.5 (6)
After upgrading your Mac to El Capitan 10.11 you may find that your printer no longer prints and you receive the following message in the print queue: Stopped – ntdcmsmac open fail:dlopen(/usr/lib/fxthm3acl.dylib To resolve this error please follow these instructions: Download the latest printer driver for your printer Restart your Mac and reboot in to […]
How to Enable Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) Remotely4.3 (6)
As a Managed Service Provider sometimes you try to accomplish as many tasks remotely as possible to avoid the cost of travelling to site. If you have a client who has a Mac shop you’ll probably already be familiar with Apple Remote Desktop. Here’s how to enable ARD remotely on a Mac providing the client […]
Search Not Working or Incomplete Results in OSX El Capitan Mac Mail4.7 (15)
You may find that the search function inside Apple Mail is not working after upgrading to El Capitan. You may also be experiencing incomplete results when searching inside Mail. Here are the Top 3 things to try in order to get the Mac Mail search function working again in El Capitan. These instructions can be followed […]
How to Enable Trim on Mac OSX El Capitan4.7 (10)
If you want to enable trim support on OSX it is now possible to do this if OSX is running El Capitan. To do this follow these steps: Step 1. Open A Terminal Prompt Once you’ve opened a Terminal Prompt type in the following command: sudo trimforce enable Step 2. Reboot your Mac Step 2. Verify […]
What is the IPCONFIG command for MAC OSX?5 (1)
Answer As OSX is based on UNIX you need to type in the following command from a terminal prompt ifconfig -a This has been tested on: OSX Mavericks, Yosemite, EL Capitan. This command should also work for other versions of OSX Please Note: This is a “QUICK SUPPORT” article. The information contained herein is provided […]
How to Uninstall Panorama9 for Mac OSX4.7 (3)
To uninstall Panorama9 in Mac OSX simply type in this command into a terminal window: sudo /Library/Panorama9/scripts/ Applies to: OSX Mavericks, Yosemite, EL Capitan Please Note: This is a “QUICK SUPPORT” article. The information contained herein is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the […]
Enter Coherence Greyed out in Parallels 104.5 (10)
From time to time coherence mode seems to play up on some Mac’s. This is what we normally do if Enter Coherence is greyed out in Parallels 10 when Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 is the virtual machine. Step 1. Open the Device Manager Windows 8 – Move your mouse to the bottom left hand corner […]
How to Remove Coloured Lines and Text in Apple Mail Replies4.2 (25)
If you’re using Apple Mac Mail and the coloured lines and text that you see in replies are interfering with the way you respond to emails here’s how to remove them. Some people may be thinking, Why would you want to remove the coloured quotes? If you’re replying to a lot of questions in a […]
Pasting Clipboard Pastes from Other Computers Clipboard on Same Network5 (3)
Here’s a perplexing Copying and Pasting issues that we had recently come across in relation to copying and pasting other computers clipboards without any clipboard sharing software installed. This was a security issue as one could imagine. This was also happening between Windows and Mac Computers. Issue When pressing Control + V or right clicking and […]
How to Clear the Clipboard on an iMac OSX4.2 (13)
Sometimes you may find that your clipboard on your iMac is doing strange things. Here’s how to clear your OSX clipboard and reset it back to empty. This has been confirmed to work on Leopard through to Yosemite. Later versions it may still work (or not). Edit – This applies to any Mac running OSX […]
How to Create a Bootable Yosemite USB using the Command Line (Terminal)4.7 (9)
There are many ways that you can create a bootable Mavericks USB Drive but this seems to me the far easiest way to do so. In this article I will assume that you already have a reasonable grasp of the OSX system and cut out the lengthy text: 1. Download Yosemite from the Apple Store Yosemite […]
How to Connect to a Microsoft Remote Desktop on an iMac4 (1)
To connect to a Microsoft Remote Desktop, also known as RDP or Terminal Services from your mac please follow these instructions. Step 1 – Download the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client To do this you will first need to download the latest RDP client for Mac on the Mac App Store Step 2 – Open the […]
Mac OSX Cannot Resolve Unknown Host – 10.10 Yosemite3.8 (4)
There appears to be a bug in OSX Yosemite 10.10 which is causing the ping and nslookup command to return the error Cannot Resolve : Unknown Host. Even when rebooting it doesn’t resolve the issue. To fix this please try restarting discoveryd. Step 1 Open a Terminal Command Step 2 – Type in the following […]
Spinning Wheel in Mac Mail – OSX Mavericks3.6 (14)
Here’s how to fix the spinning beach ball (wheel) issue in Mac Mail, it involves resetting the Mac Mail Preferences by trashing the file. This has been tested for Mavericks and the file may reside in a different location based on the version of OSX you are using. Do so at your own risk. […]
Mac OSX Version Numbers to Name5 (1)
Here’s a list of the current OSX Version numbers converted to names starting from Yosemite in descending order. El Capitan – 10.11 Yosemite – 10.10 Mavericks – 10.9 Mountain Lion – 10.8 Lion – 10.7 Snow Leopard – 10.6 Leopard – 10.5 Tiger – 10.4 Panther – 10.3 Jaguar – 10.2 Puma – 10.1 Cheetah […]
How to Flush the DNS Cache on an iMac5 (1)
Here are the commands to flush the DNS cache on an iMac (or any other Mac) starting at Leopard through to Yosemite. To do this you will need to open a Terminal Prompt – Click on Launchpad and type in Terminal OSX 10.10 – Yosemite Flush DNS sudo discoveryutil udnsflushcaches OSX 10.9 – Mavericks Flush […]